The Best Hookah Shisha Bowls for the Ultimate Hookah Experience
Every day many new hookahs enthusiastic to enters the magical world of hookah smoking. At first, this culture can be a little bit overwhelming, and using many things such as shisha tobacco, coal, and the bowl can be a bit overwhelming. Bowls with a variety of sizes, placement of holes, and their unique design can be difficult to choose from. Today we have brought you this blog to acquaint you with the knowledge about the same. This will help you in making an informed decision.
1. Egyptian Hookah Bowls
The Egyptian bowl is one of the most classic and common bowls that comes along with most of the hookahs for free. You can find this clay-based bowl in multiple gaze colors as well as uniform attractive shapes. When you use this Egyptian bowl for your hookah session, you must fill the bowl with desired height of shisha tobacco. But be careful and do not add too much tobacco as it can result in harsher smoke. In addition to this, you should always remember that the flamingo mango is evenly distributed as it promotes proper heat distribution. About coal, it's suggested that you go for natural coal with 2-4 pieces as per the size of the bowl along with the desired smoke output. 10-20 grams of shisha tobacco is the capacity of the average Egyptian bowl.
2. Vortex Hookah Bowls
Even before the phunnel bowl have hit the market, the evolution of the bowl started with the Egyptian bowls and the Vortex bowls that were next and first in line in their type. Sporting a capped spire it is idle to prevent the juice leakage and spoiling the taste of the shisha. In addition to it, with the application of tight foil. It can be very much helpful in creating a vortex flow of air to pass through the tobacco.
When it comes to Vortex bowls they can handle a much higher amount of heat as well as offer better heat retention and management as compared to other bowls. A good way to pack them is by sprinkling shisha on the spire keeping in mind not to block any hole. Another way to ensure better output is by using a denser pack. It is because when you use the fluff pack method to pack your vortex bowl it can save 10 to 20 grams of shisha tobacco consumption in each session. As per coal is concerned you should go with 2 to 4 pieces of natural coal or as per your liking of heat output and the material
3. Phunnel Hookah Bowls
The Phunnel hookah bowls make up for one of the most popular bowls in the modern hookah world. As a result of which you can find many variations of these style bowls as compared to other bowl designs. This bowl is a celebrated one as it gives you the option of using the width of its spire and interior depth to take control of the various thing
In addition to this, it's a unique design that features one central air channel, which is very helpful when it comes to preventing juice from dripping down and ruining the taste of your shisha. This also doesn't allow the choking of the holes as well, which ensures a smooth and easy flow of smoke.
(Hookah Tip: You should tap the shisha down the spire if the bowl has been packed too loosely as this prevents the falling of tobacco inside.) You should be wary of the size as it plays a big role in its performance.
The wider will be spires the more will be the airflow and on the contrary, if it's smaller the result is tighter drags. Apart from that the hole that you have punched into your foil also has a profound impact on the smoothness of the drag. If you want to do something out of the box many people suggest punching holes over the spire can be a game-changer although it's conflicted you are the judge here. Although you can enjoy tobacco of any style with this bowl in particular you can get the most out of the dark leaf tobacco as it facilitates the dense pack preparation.
There are many options available when it comes to material that is high-quality material along with other options such as silicon and glass. But when it comes to shisha consumption it can vary according to the type of hookah tobacco. An approximate 14-25 grams is required for the blonde leaf and 18-30 grams for the darker one.
4. Hybrid Phunnel Hookah Bowls
The classic phunnel bowls have been evolving with various tweaks and improvisation over time. Due to which it facilitated the many products that are coming into the market based on the needs of the hookah community. If you will look at this category of popular hybrid phunnel bowls it is to increase the flow of air. There are other bowls too that render support during the session like the bridge spire. It does not allow the foil from being sucked down which results in reducing the airflow. The Hybrid Phunnel bowls can do wonders with the dark leaf tobacco as well as offer a good experience with blonde leaf tobacco too.
5. Lipped Hookah Bowls
The Heat management devices or as called HMD are one of the latest accessories that have at large changed the way we tasted our hookah flavors. These all bowls are featured with a lipped interior to facilitate a secure fit. These bowls are designed as such that it sports a good shisha holding capacity of 20-30g. The best way to pack this bowl is by fluff packing the interior or else adding more stronger flavor. The charcoal requirement depends upon the size of the device.
6. The Other Hookah Bowls
If you still have not found what you were looking for then you can opt for some out-of-the-box designs too. That is although made for hookah shisha but also can give a taste of the vape with an e-head bowl. It utilizes the best quality e-juice that brings enhanced and concentrated flavor with each inhales. Some bowls feature multiple insert options that help in giving an increased airflow from a variety of interchangeable bowl designs like Egyptian Vortex and Phunnel Apart from this you can also find bowls made from silicone and clay but there other numbers of material such as metal or Pyrex composition. Other devices like Apple on Top do not even require heat management devices.
All in all, everyone has their preference and liking their hookah session. This also depends upon what you like to smoke and how you like to prepare for the sessions. There are also some of the individuals who go on exploiting only to discover that all they need is an Egyptian bowl while others keep on adding newly available options with their changing needs.